
Bringing together the world’s best minds in men’s health.

For too long, men’s health has been relegated to the sidelines of broader health conversations. The result? Too many men and boys in poor health, dying before their time. The impact is huge – reverberating out past family and friends into the community – but so is the opportunity.

That’s why the Movember Institute of Men’s Health exists. Its intention is this: to bring together the world’s leading experts in men’s health so we can accelerate research and translate findings into real-world impact. All while nurturing the next generation of men’s health leaders and researchers.

Over the next five years, AUD $100 million will be invested into the Institute. Research outcomes will influence advocacy, policy development, strategic direction and program delivery. And shape the behaviours, systems and norms in and around men’s health.

The Institute has been established to change the world. Millions of men and boys, and the communities around them, stand to benefit. Because there's now a global driving force behind men’s health – and it's ready to make a real impact.


The grand, multi-disciplinary plan

Let’s talk details. We’ll change men’s health through building sector capacity and human capital. Research and evidence. Influencing change. Knowledge translation. Global presence and more.


Our origin story

The Movember Institute of Men’s Health didn’t happen overnight. It’s the next step in a journey that can be traced all the way back to 2003, beginning with men’s health organisation, Movember.

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