David South
3  année  Mo Bro

0 €

raised 304 € since 2022
Ma motivation
Collecter des fonds pour des domaines liés à la cause inclut :
Men's health
Mental health and suicide prevention

I happen to be a dude, and I happen to have had my fair share of struggles with my mental health.
I also know plenty of dudes who have their struggles. I am lucky enough to know what freedom awareness, talking about things and not feeling pressured to bottle things up can bring, so I like to bring special attention to this. Let other menfolk know that talking is good. It helps! And if I can raise awareness and a bit of funds along the way by looking stupid, I'm down with that!

Mario's Bike & Spuds Mo‘s
Capitaine de l'équipe Dennis Wauch
650 € Dons récoltés par l’équipe
Vos activités

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Dons récoltés l'année dernière
Previous year's posts
Il y a 57 semaines
Dons de:
Lynne Mason
20 €

Can’t resist

Il y a 57 semaines
Dons de:
Lynne Mason
20 €

Can’t resist

Il y a 105 semaines
Dons de:
Facebook Fundraising
28 €
Il y a 105 semaines
Dons de:
Facebook Fundraising
28 €
Il y a 105 semaines
Dons de:
Facebook Fundraising
5 €
Il y a 105 semaines
Dons de:
Facebook Fundraising
5 €
Il y a 107 semaines
Dons de:
250 €

This is the money collected by the good potato lovers of Spuds, well done folks!

Il y a 107 semaines
Dons de:
250 €

This is the money collected by the good potato lovers of Spuds, well done folks!

Posts de l'année dernière
Il y a 110 semaines

Today innit!

Il y a 110 semaines


Il y a 110 semaines

Starting to look less unclean, and more Burt Reynolds...

Il y a 110 semaines

Here is when I started to get a dirty lip, around day 3...

Il y a 110 semaines

So, they don't call me David "Late to the Party" South for nothing...

Here are a few posts from my run up to here this Movember...
Starting with the massacre of my face on day 2

Note : Comme les dons peuvent être faits de manière privée, seuls les dons publics apparaissent sur le Mo Space.